Discovering epistemological axes for academic programs in computer science through network analysis - Descubriendo ejes epistémicos para programas académicos en Ciencias de la Computación a través del análisis de redes


  • Luis Casillas Santillán Computer Science Department University of Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Alonso Castillo Pérez Computer Science and Electronics Division University of Guadalajara, Mexico



Complex networks, knowledge discovery, knowledge management, epistemological axes, clustering coefficient.


Academic programs in higher education institutions (HEI) are constantly under construction. They are never finished at all. As reader could agree, the current merging of knowledge in present societies is inexorable. The available cyber-infrastructure is able to support new approaches in science development. Hence, academic programs in HEI are clearly under the pressure to be constantly modernized in order to provide valid and up to date knowledge. Every academic program has this challenge in present societies. Our approach is aimed at providing a practical method for discovering the epistemological axes through the use of some notions from complex networks analysis. We worked on “Computer Science” programs in the University Center for Exact Sciences and Engineering from the University of Guadalajara. Nevertheless, the proposed method could be easily extrapolated to different programs in HEI, due to similar nature of knowledge in diverse knowledge branches.Resumen: Los programas académicos en las instituciones de educación superior (IES) están constantemente en construcción. Nunca están terminados del todo. Como el lector podrá estar de acuerdo, la actual fusión de conocimiento en las sociedades presentes es inexorable. La ciber-infraestructura disponible es capaz de apoyar los modernos enfoques en el desarrollo de la ciencia. Por lo tanto, los programas académicos en instituciones de educación superior están claramente bajo la presión de ser constantemente modernizados para ofrecer conocimientos válidos y actualizados. En las sociedades actuales, todo programa académico tiene este problema. Nuestro enfoque está dirigido a proporcionar un método práctico para el descubrimiento de los ejes epistemológicos a través de la utilización de algunas nociones propias del análisis de redes complejas. Hemos trabajado en programas de "Ciencia Computacional" en el Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías de la Universidad de Guadalajara. No obstante, el método propuesto puede ser fácilmente extrapolado a diferentes programas en IES, debido a la naturaleza consistente del conocimiento en las diferentes ramas de éste.Palabras clave: Redes complejas, descubrimiento de conocimiento, gestión del conocimiento, ejes epistemológicos, coeficiente de agrupamiento.

Author Biographies

Luis Casillas Santillán, Computer Science Department University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Luis Casillas Santillán holds a Ph.D. and a master’s degree in Information and Knowledge Societies from the Open University of Catalonia, Spain; as well as a master’s degree in Information Systems and a B.Sc. in Informatics from the University of Guadalajara (UG), Mexico. He has been working as associate professor for 17 years in the Computer Science Department from the UG and published various papers and scientific chapters in diverse journals and books. He serves as member of the editorial board for the Journal of Knowledge Engineering: EXSY and as reviewer for diverse journals and other scientific publications in knowledge engineering, computers science and ICT in education. His research interests are: knowledge gathering and representation, bio-inspired systems, expert systems, complex networks analysis, and soft-computing.

Alonso Castillo Pérez, Computer Science and Electronics Division University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Alonso Castillo Pérez holds a master´s degree and a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Guadalajara (UG), Mexico. He has been professor in diverse levels and programs, from basic education up to graduate programs in structures, industrial systems, potency systems and the doctorate program in engineering and technology in the UG. He worked for the Federal Commission for Electricity (CFE). He has held several positions in the UG and the CFE. He authored plenty of books, about mathematics and electrical engineering. Besides, he wrote a novel about the Mexican rural school. He is currently Director for the Electronics and Computer Science Division from the University Campus for Exact Sciences and Engineering of the UG.


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How to Cite

Casillas Santillán, L., & Castillo Pérez, A. (2017). Discovering epistemological axes for academic programs in computer science through network analysis - Descubriendo ejes epistémicos para programas académicos en Ciencias de la Computación a través del análisis de redes. ReCIBE, Electronic Journal of Computing, Informatics, Biomedical and Electronics, 1(1), II.



Computer Science & IT