A Parallel Support Vector Machine algorithm to identify patterns of pollution in Smart Cities for Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara


  • Martha Patricia Martínez Vargas Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Elsa Estrada Guzmán Universidad de Guadalajara – CUCEI – Departamento de Ciencias Computacionales https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2009-9661
  • Roció Maciel Arellano Universidad de Guadalajara – CUCEA – Centro de Innovación en Ciudades Inteligentes




Data mining, Support vector machines, parallel support vector machine libraries, Internet of Things, Smart Cities.


Pollution in dense populations such as the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara grows exponentially, affecting the health of citizens and reducing their quality of life. One of the main research challenges pursued with the study of Smart Cities is environmental pollution to improve the well-being of citizens and to protect natural areas. Therefore, it is urgent the development of information technologies that allow to reduce this problem by the scientific analysis of data, to classify the zones with greater contamination. Currently, these data are captured by constant monitoring stations, generating a large volume of information representing a challenge for the classification process. This work proposes a model for the automatic execution of a classification algorithm using Support Vector Machine implementing libraries in python for parallel processing. As a result, we obtain two main subsystems: one of the Parameters of Configuration for the storage and cleaning of data and the design of the algorithm parallelized in the cloud importing modules mpi4py, numpy and sklearn.svm.

Author Biographies

Martha Patricia Martínez Vargas, Universidad de Guadalajara

Dr. Martha Patricia Martínez Vargas obtained her PhD in Information Technology in 2015 from the University of Guadalajara. Currently, he is a full-time lecturer in the Systems Department and a member of the UDG-CA-931 Academic team of the University Center for Economic-Administrative Sciences. His area of research interest is data analysis. She has directed various theses of the Master in Information Technology and the Bachelor of Information Technology. As well as, participating as co-author of various publications in the area of Technologies. He has taught the subject of Management Information Systems at ITESO in two semesters and tutor of the thesis of the master's degree in applied computing.

Elsa Estrada Guzmán, Universidad de Guadalajara – CUCEI – Departamento de Ciencias Computacionales

Obtained a doctorate in Information Technology in 2018. Currently, she teaches courses in the Master of Information Systems at the University of Guadalajara. Her main lines of research are Data Analysis using Machine Learning, on Smart Cities issues, as well as on Software Engineering for the development of applications for event monitoring and decision making.

Roció Maciel Arellano, Universidad de Guadalajara – CUCEA – Centro de Innovación en Ciudades Inteligentes

Is a Research Professor at the Department of Information Systems of the CUCEA University of Guadalajara (UDG). She works as a Researcher and coordinator of Special Projects of the Center for Innovation in Smart Cities of the UDG. Among his areas of research interest from the perspective of Smart Cities are Smart People strategies in virtual or online education, the application of technology for the inclusion of people with different abilities and the development of user experience on technological platforms. Likewise, she has organized different congresses, diplomas, workshops and has collaborated in the design of undergraduate and postgraduate educational programs oriented to Information Technologies. Additionally, she has indexed scientific publications, patents, and has given lectures and participated in national and international panels.



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How to Cite

Martínez Vargas M. P., Estrada Guzmán, E., & Maciel Arellano, R. . (2022). A Parallel Support Vector Machine algorithm to identify patterns of pollution in Smart Cities for Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara. ReCIBE, Electronic Journal of Computing, Informatics, Biomedical and Electronics, 10(2), C4–17. https://doi.org/10.32870/recibe.v10i2.162



Computer Science & IT