Mexican Sign Language word recognition using RGB-D information


  • Felipe Trujillo-Romero División de Ingenierías, Campus Irapuato-Salamanca, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, México.
  • Gibran Intabi Company, Orizaba, Veracruz, México.





Sign Language is the primary alternative method of communication between people with hearing or speech impairment. However, most of the population that does not suffer from this disability cannot understand or interact with them. Consequently, communication of the signatories with their social environment becomes almost impossible. This paper presents progress towards constructing a system to translate words from the Mexican Sign Language into text, by the signatory's hands motion recognition from a 3D trajectory using a Kinect sensor. A corpus of 53 words was built and considered only words belonging to eleven semantic fields. Intermediate points were added, the KNN algorithm was used for filtering to eliminate possible inconsistencies and noise in the extracted pattern. In addition, the descriptor method used divides the pattern into two sections according to the cusp of its trajectory, and the representative 3D positions of both sections are obtained utilizing the arithmetic mean. From the general pattern, its width, height, depth, and orientation are also obtained. For the classification of the words in the corpus, an Artificial Neural Network of the Multi-Layer Perceptron type is used. This network was trained with the Backpropagation algorithm, and for the validation of the recognizing system, it was performed using the K-Fold Cross Validation method. The percentage of mean precision achieved by this implementation was 93.46%.


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How to Cite

Trujillo-Romero, F., & García Bautista, G. (2021). Mexican Sign Language word recognition using RGB-D information. ReCIBE, Electronic Journal of Computing, Informatics, Biomedical and Electronics, 10(2), C2–23.



Computer Science & IT