Artificial life and virtual creatures


  • Rafael Mercado Herrera Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Vianney Muñoz-Jiménez Autonomous University of the State of México
  • Marco Antonio Ramos Autonomous University of the State of México



artificial life, virtual creatures, morphology


Living organisms as we know them are complex structures that fulfill functions such as foraging, development, and reproduction, all immersed in an ecosystem. Artificial life seeks to generate entities called virtual creatures that mimic the properties of living organisms and perform functions similar to those found in nature but with certain restrictions. The area of computer science provides us with the ability to calculate and reproduce specific properties of living organisms, and be able to simulate them in controlled environments, called virtual environments. In virtual environments, it is possible to accelerate the adaptability of these synthetic organisms to understand the characteristics of these phenomena and even use them for other purposes, such as research, development, design, simulation, recreation, etc. Whereas the functions performed by virtual creatures are not as complex as those of living organisms, but they have to do actions such as foraging (energy), reproduction, and evolution. These actions allow us to generate an entity to observe the possible behaviors of living beings in controlled environments. A virtual creature's morphological structure may not be known, but it enables the creature's functions or actions. So the virtual creature must have a head, a body, and limbs that allow it to evolve continuously to adapt to the environment in which it is immersed.This article shows an overview of the advances in the area of virtual creature morphology, from inception to actuality as well as the different approaches used to give the reader an idea of the modeling process for virtual creatures.


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How to Cite

Mercado Herrera, R., Muñoz Jiménez, V., & Ramos Corchado, M. A. (2022). Artificial life and virtual creatures. ReCIBE, Electronic Journal of Computing, Informatics, Biomedical and Electronics, 11(2), C2–10.



Computer Science & IT