Towards a rubric proposal for the evaluation of the quality of code comments in Java


  • Juan Carlos García Murillo Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas



Comentario de código, Evaluación, Java, Software, Mantenimiento


In a software development, the documentation plays an important role for knowing the origin, details and reason to be, among other factors of a project. Its utility is wide and is extended even as support for future developers can continue the development with less difficulty. The code of a software is one of the most complex elements to understand, since each developer has their own style of programming. The best way for making the code understandable is accompany it with good comments all of them complete and consistent. In this article, we propose a rubric to evaluate the quality of code comments in Java. This rubric is divided into categories according to the type of comment to be assessed: copyright comment, class comment, method comment, and code snippet comment. Each category defines a set of rules that must be met to declare a comment has quality. Through the increment of readability and maintainability of code in software projects that are currently in use after using the rubric will help us to validate its effectiveness. Once this effectiveness has been verified, it will help the teams to have correctly commented codes and to reduce costs in the work of understanding and maintaining the code, since it will be more readable and descriptive.


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How to Cite

García Murillo, J. C. (2023). Towards a rubric proposal for the evaluation of the quality of code comments in Java. ReCIBE, Electronic Journal of Computing, Informatics, Biomedical and Electronics, 12(1), C2–13.



Computer Science & IT