Technical debts in the transactional system



Metrics, Quality model, Technical debt


In international transactional financial services companies, program updates are occasionally made with errors not identifiable by the compiler. These errors, defined as technical debt, cause failures in the transactional system by not complying with the quality model. The investigations consulted have not reported the existence of new metrics to mitigate failures due to technical debts. Therefore, the research objective was to obtain new metrics to incorporate into the quality model. The methodology consisted of compiling a sample of programs, defining variables and metrics, and evaluating the cause-effect to find the technical debts. The experiment obtained samples of modified programs in the BASE24-eps software from two companies, and five metrics were defined. The result showed that the programs have a higher probability of finding at least one technical debt related to bug and code smell. This research allows concluding the importance of incorporating metrics into the quality process


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How to Cite

Cucalón-Gaibor, J. F., & Sandoval Gutierrez, J. (2024). Technical debts in the transactional system. ReCIBE, Electronic Journal of Computing, Informatics, Biomedical and Electronics, 12(2), C14–11. Retrieved from



Computer Science & IT