Updating freeTribe to Support Efficient Synchronous Awareness in the Web Context -Acualización del freeTribe para facilitar el conocimiento síncrono eficiente en el contenido Web


  • Ricardo Delgadillo University of Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Eduardo Escofet Gilogiq Internet Services Ltd., Spain
  • Humberto Rodríguez-Avila Department of Informatics, University of Holguín, Cuba
  • Julio C Rodríguez-Cano Department of Informatics, University of Holguín, Cuba




omputer-supported cooperative work, groupware, synchronous awareness.


The research field of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work has been reflected fundamentally in theoretical contributions. This contributions have constitute the base to carry out several intents to facilitate the work of the collaborative systems developers, however, current tool-kits, APIs or class libraries only eliminate partially the gap between the technical aspects that impose the information technology and the stressed social character of the process of collaboration in the World Wide Web. In this paper is presented the framework freeTribe, which involve the domain of the distributed groupwares leaning on the Cooperative Model of the methodology AMENITIES, in the middleware platform ICE and in RIA technologies; freeTribe has been designed as a software framework, to maximize its reusability and adaptability with a minimal programming effort. Support for synchronous group tasks in the Web context is increasingly recognized as a desideratum for collaborative systems and several tools have emerged recently that help groups of people with the same goals to work together, but many issues for these collaborative systems remain under studied. We identified synchronous awareness as one of these issues in collaborative systems, and updated freeTribe with four well-accepted kinds of awareness (group awareness, workspace awareness, contextual awareness, and peripheral awareness) by the community focusing our interest in its synchronous mechanism for efficient interaction in Web contexts.Resumen: El campo de investigación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Apoyado por Computadora se ha reflejado fundamentalmente en las contribuciones teóricas. Estas aportaciones han constituido la base para llevar a cabo varios intentos para facilitar el trabajo de los desarrolladores de sistemas de colaboración, sin embargo, las herramientas acuales, como APIs o librerías de clases sólo eliminan parcialmente la brecha entre los aspectos técnicos que imponen la tecnología de la información y el subrayado de carácter social del proceso de colaboración en la World Wide web. En este trabajo se presenta el marco freeTribe, que implica el dominio de los groupwares distribuidos que se inclinan en el modelo cooperativo de las comodidades de metodología, en la plataforma ICE del middleware y en las tecnologías RIA; freeTribe ha sido diseñado como un marco de software, para maximizar su reutilización y adaptabilidad con un mínimo esfuerzo de programación. El apoyo a las tareas de grupos sincrónicos en el contexto Web se reconoce cada vez más como un desiderátum para los sistemas de colaboración y varias herramientas han surgido recientemente que los grupos de autoayuda de personas con los mismos objetivos a trabajar juntos, pero muchos problemas para estos sistemas de colaboración permanecen bajo estudio. Identificamos la conciencia sincrónica como uno de estos temas en los sistemas de colaboración, y actualizamos freeTribe con cuatro tipos bien aceptados de la conciencia (conciencia de grupo, de sensibilización espacio de trabajo, sensibilización contextual y sensibilización periférica) de la comunidad se centran nuestro interés en su mecanismo de sincronización para una eficiente interacción en contextos web.Palabras clave: coperación ayudada por computadora, groupware, conciencia sicronizada

Author Biographies

Ricardo Delgadillo, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Ricardo_Delgadillo_Lizaola is PhD candidate from the University of Granada (Spain), professor in the engineering department of CUCSUR (Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur) at the University of Guadalajara, since 1993. He has taught at several universities and has worked as a consultant in the implementation of new technologies in different companies. Currently working on several projects related to CSCL: Computer-supported collaborative learning with professors from the University of Olguin (CUBA) and Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PERU). His research interests include Soft computing applications for database technologies, collaborative information retrieval (IR) techniques, retrieval and Cognitive Load Measurement in Web Search, Computer-supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL).

Eduardo Escofet, Gilogiq Internet Services Ltd., Spain

Eduardo Escofet got his B.Sc. from the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba in Computer Sciences Specialized in Artificial Intelligence in 1994. He obtained a M.Sc. degree in Business Information Technology specialized in Business Executive Decision Making in 1997 from the University of Holguín, Cuba and another M. Sc. in Information Technologies and Soft-computing in 2003 from the Univeersity of Granada, Spain. He has lectured at several universities, developed multiple software products and advised various theses and software projects. Nowadays, he is working in software-driven innovation companies as project manager, software developer and quality engineer. His main areas of interests are application framework development, service-oriented architecture integration, business intelligence engineering, Web and mobile-based business strategies and software quality improvement methods.

Humberto Rodríguez-Avila, Department of Informatics, University of Holguín, Cuba

Humberto Rodríguez-Avila is PhD candidate from the University of Granada (Spain), Rodríguez-Avila received his Software Engineering degree in 2011 at the University of Holguín (UHO), Cuba. Since 2011, he has worked on CSCW & CIS projects within the Research Group in Distributed Systems at the UHO. Currently, he is professor of Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms at the Department of Informatics at the UHO, Cuba. His research interests include Collaborative Information Seeking techniques, P2P retrieval and Cognitive Load Measurement.

Julio C Rodríguez-Cano, Department of Informatics, University of Holguín, Cuba

J. C. Rodríguez-Cano is PhD candidate from the University of Granada (Spain), Rodríguez-Cano received his Software Engineering degree in 2006 at the University of Holguín (UHO), Cuba. Since 2006, he has worked on CSCW projects within the Research Group in Distributed Systems at the UHO. Currently, he is professor at the Department of Informatics at the UHO, Cuba. His research interests include collaborative information retrieval (IR) techniques, search-driven software development, and P2P retrieval. He has been co-organizer of the Modern Applications of IR workshop held at V International Conference UHO 2011, co-organizer of the Collaborative Information Retrieval workshop held at CIKM 2011, and co-organizer of the Collaboration, Recommendation and Social Search workshop held at VI International Conference UHO 2013.


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How to Cite

Delgadillo, R., Escofet, E., Rodríguez-Avila, H., & Rodríguez-Cano, J. C. (2017). Updating freeTribe to Support Efficient Synchronous Awareness in the Web Context -Acualización del freeTribe para facilitar el conocimiento síncrono eficiente en el contenido Web. ReCIBE, Electronic Journal of Computing, Informatics, Biomedical and Electronics, 2(1), I. https://doi.org/10.32870/recibe.v2i1.9



Computer Science & IT