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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation: General Guidelines

  1. Double-Blind Review

    • The submitted document must not include any information that identifies the authors.
    • Self-references must be written as if they were references to third parties.
    • During the review process, an analysis will be conducted to detect potential use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools.
  2. Manuscript Language

    • The manuscript can be submitted in Spanish, English, or both languages.
  3. Submission Format

    • The manuscript must be submitted in PDF format.
    • Margin configuration:
      • Top and bottom margins: 2.5 cm.
      • Left and right margins: 3 cm.
    • Line spacing: Single-spaced.
    • Font: Arial, 10-point size.
    • The text must be left-aligned, presented in a single column.
    • No section breaks: Avoid inserting unnecessary breaks between sections.
  4. Manuscript Structure

    • Title:
      • Must be clear and concise, presented in both Spanish and English.
    • Abstract:
      • Maximum of 250 words.
      • Should briefly include the objectives, methodology, results (if applicable), and significance.
      • References are not allowed.
      • Must be presented in both Spanish and English.
    • Keywords:
      • A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8 keywords, in both Spanish and English.
  5. Visual Elements

    • Tables and Figures:
      • Must be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text.
      • Should be placed where they will be published, respecting the document’s margins.
      • Content must be fully visible.
      • Captions: Placed below the element, starting with: Table 1. Description... or Figure 1. Description....
    • Equations:
      • Must be numbered consecutively, with the number in parentheses on the right-hand side.
      • Should be presented as graphics with a resolution of 600 dpi.
    • Audio and Video Material:
      • Maximum recommended size: 10-12 MB per file.
      • Accepted formats:
        • Video: .mpg, .qt, .mov.
        • Audio: .wav, .mp3, .wma.
      • A maximum of two files is allowed.
      • This material must be referenced explicitly in the text.
  6. Footnotes

    • Use only when absolutely necessary for clarifications or additional information that would disrupt the main text.
    • Must be numbered consecutively and placed at the end of the main text, not at the bottom of each page.
  7. References

  8. Document Length

    • There is no minimum or maximum length requirement.
    • If the manuscript exceeds 30 pages (including illustrations and references), a brief written justification must be provided explaining why it is not feasible to shorten the document.
  9. Final Instructions

    • Once accepted for publication, specific instructions for preparing the final format will be provided.
    • The revised manuscript must be uploaded in Microsoft Word format for publication.


Pre-evaluated articles from conferences or events incorporated on an extraordinary basis.

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