Cybersecurity, Information Security, Learning, Education, Containers, Lightweight Virtualization, Educational Software, Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
Due to constating changing, Cybersecurity learning requires a theoretical and practical cognitive processes, particularly, practical approach requires to use hyper-realistic environments that do not put real infrastructure at risk or lead to situations of a legal nature, these platforms that contains these environments are known as Cyber Ranges, because of their Complexity it can be expensive and difficult to implement, for this reason, a large part of the efforts for learning and teaching have been focused on the use of different technologies that improve these aspects, therefore container virtualization has begun to be used, which is a lightweight and flexible in its application. This article presents the results of a Systematic Literature Review carried out to identify and characterize primary studies on the use of containers for learning Cybersecurity. The results show that there are several primary studies that investigate the use of container technology in learning Cybersecurity; Being the great majority proposals of platforms, Cyber Ranges, virtual laboratories and CTFs (Capture The Flag) due to the shortage of specialized software for learning Cybersecurity.References
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