The teachers’ perspective on technology at the time of the COVID-19 in Mexico
online courses, learning activities, university professorsAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic took the world off guard in many aspects. One major field affected is education, in Mexico millions of students switched from the classroom to distance learning. In this paper are presented results form a questionnaire applied to Mexican university professors, aimed to understand their perception how prepared we were for the switch. One hundred eighty-seven professors participated, mainly from the state of Jalisco (51%), and at least one of the 25 of the 32 Mexican states responded. Main results show that after this experience, teachers changed their perspective to the online education, showing their intent on relay more on the technology in the future, and considering it as sustainable and viable. However, they also miss classrooms; the labs, the personal interaction, and economical issues are the main drawback of the online education.References
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