Evaluación de las Emociones y la Satisfacción del Usuario en el Contexto de la Interacción Humano Computadora
Un Mapeo Sistemático
Emotions, User Satisfaction, Evaluation, Usability, User Experience, Systematic MappingAbstract
In this article a systematic mapping is performed applying Petersen's methodology, with the objective of providing an overview of the relationship between emotion and user satisfaction and how this relationship is evaluated. For this purpose, the period of the decade from January 2014 to January 2024 is considered where the primary studies focus on these two variables, specifically in the field of Human Computer Interaction. The search is carried out in five scientific databases, the analysis is performed based on the frequency of publications by area of application, research contributions, in addition to the type of evaluation and the instruments used, which allows answering the four research questions posed. The results show that emotions and user satisfaction are topics of current interest to researchers, especially in Artificial Intelligence. The contributions that have been made are mainly tools, while most of the works evaluated emotions and satisfaction independently, the most used instrument for this purpose being the questionnaire.References
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