"Assessment of learning through the test-excellent system in secondary students, 2022"





Digital learning, technology, web application, web learning system.


Today, new digital technologies are a great ally of education in Peru. Teachers are the ones who, in the daily teaching-learning process, constantly evaluate the knowledge that each student receives in order to analyze the results. Therefore, this study focuses on using Test-Excellent as a continuous evaluation tool in the learning process. In fact, the study was designed using qualitative models and documentary methods used to process the information. The result of this study, according to the information gathered, is that the Test-Excellent tool has great advantages for both teachers and students, i.e., it is easy to use and learn the various functionalities. As a result, this tool allows teachers to provide immediate and useful feedback. Likewise, this tool is still little known in public schools, so it is not used in high school classrooms. In addition, computers and the Internet can be used in the classroom, resulting in meaningful learning. Furthermore, it is believed that the use of the Test-Excellent tool positively facilitates the continuous evaluation of students through a positive interaction between teachers and students who are academically satisfied in class because they are motivated, consider themselves fun and intelligent.


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How to Cite

Pardo, A. (2025). "Assessment of learning through the test-excellent system in secondary students, 2022". ReCIBE, Electronic Journal of Computing, Informatics, Biomedical and Electronics, 14(1), C5–18. https://doi.org/10.32870/recibe.v14i1.269



Computer Science & IT